Today, as most you know, is my last day. I really honestly cannot believe that this time tomorrow I'll be in St. Louis. Its definitley bittersweet-I'm looking forward to seeing my family and friends back home but I don't want to leave DC and 510 C either. My last day of work was nice...the counsel's office bought me lunch and everyone ate together in the conference room which was nice. They gave me a really sweet card and I literally was holding back tears when I said good bye to them at 5pm. I am going to miss the people there so much and I hope some day to come back and work there again!

Tonight those few of us left at the house are going to go to a local pizza restaraunt for our "final meal" together. Then its back to packing for me... wooooot...
Anyway-I hope I get to see you all when I get home! I have many more stories than the ones told here in this blog to share!! Cant wait to see you all soon...
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