Friday we arrived on our bus around 1pm-ish, and checked into our hotel which was this really cool building downtown literally right across the street from Ground Zero. We could see the entire site from our 12th floor room and I have some really interesting pictures. Once we got all settled in, we decided to check out the downtown area and saw Wall St. and the New York Stock Exchange (I got a picture with the bull too)...then we walked down to Battery Park and saw the Statue of Liberty. We ate at this really good local pizza place, and then had to best dessert of the entire trip at Pinkberry, which is a frozen yogurt place that is AMAZING. Then we headed over to Times Square (where we almost were conned into buying tickets for a comedy club despite the fact we already had tickets for another was interesting) and went to a comedy show...needless to say we were exhausted after a long day!!!
Saturday was just as jam packed! We all got up and went to Canal Street where I got some excellent knock-offs (Gucci and Coach...not bad!)...then we split up and the group I was with decided to go see Rockefeller Center and my roommate Sarah and I shopped in the NBC store (where I purchased a lovely Office poster...cant wait to put it up in my room at school!) and then we walked down 5thAvenue and then to Dylan's Candy Bar. Then we met up with the others at FAO Schwarz (which made me miss the one that used to be in the STL) and I went with some of my other roommates to eat at this really cool Irish pub and then went to the top of the Empire State Building (at night I think its the best!)...again, at the end, we were exhausted!
Sunday was awesome too...although I thought I'd be sitting that day out b/c I ended up waking up feeling like the world was spinning...but once I got outside it was so much better. My roommates Chelsey, Grace and I went back to 5th Avenue and popped into some of the stores...then we ended up meeting up with some other girls and ate at Serendipity 3! We thought we wouldn't get in...but we got to eat amazing food and have even more amazing desserts (if you are ever in New York, I highly recommend it!)
We had a GREAT time...I love that city...although I think DC is more like home for me!!!
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