So last week, I received an email informing me that I would be going with the other RNC interns to see the president either arrive or depart from the White House. One of my bosses, Lauren, who got to go see a departure when she was an intern at the RNC, said it was so cool and that arrivals are pretty amazing to see. When I found out I was in the arrival group of interns, I was pumped! I was even told that when Bush isn't in a hurry, he'll stop and shake hands with people too. So I was ready to go and take tons of pictures!
We arrived at the White House around 3pm, and had to go through what I now know as the "typical security check" since now I'm a seasoned White House visitor. Once our escort arrived, I had no idea how we'd get through to the front. We ended up going PAST where our tour stopped and walked right up to the residence. We went through one of the foyers there and landed in the rose garden. We could see the the Oval Office really well, and we were right up next to the residence...amazing! We then walked around to the front lawn and had an excellent view of the Washington Monument and the fountain that sits in front of the White House. Then I decided to turn around and there it was...the house...just right
So we waited for a bit just taking pictures (which can be viewed throughout this blog)...and eavesdropped on one of the White House employees explaining to her guests how an arrival worked. There are three helicopters, one is actually the president and two are decoys just in case something goes wrong. They always have a fire truck and ambulance waiting, again, just in case something happens. The press is usually always invited to come and did they come...there weren't too many people like us there, but a ton of media showed up to get a good shot...

All of a sudden, we hear the sounds of choppers in the distance....and there they were! All three, just like the lady said. The one carrying the president split from the rest and landed right in front of us on the lawn...I had never been close to any helicopter, so just the wind alone amazed me! Then not longer than two minutes after it landed and the blades were turned off did the marine escort pop out of the door...walk around to open the other door...and out came the president!!!! He walked out and waved to us...but once he got half way to the door he picked up the pace and scooted into the White House, so he didn't stop to shake hands (we figured he was probably busy and had things to do...haha)
I still can't believe I got to see him so close! I know there are many people who dislike him, but even if it was a president I didn't like, still seeing that person up close and knowing that he (or potentially she) is one, if not the, most powerful person in the world is pretty exciting! I almost passed out.... (that was for you Jack and Bridget)...anyway...I miss you all and I hope you enjoyed this has a bigger impact when I tell it I'll have to have a recount when I get home!!!! Enjoy the pictures too!

All I have to say is wow. I agree with what you said though. Regardless of how you feel about the man's policy it still would be pretty cool. Sounds like you're having an amazing time. Talk to you soon.
I have to say that is pretty spectacular and then some!!!
Have to admit you hit it on the head when you said even if it is a president you don't like....just the fact that you are in the presence of the leader of the "free world" it can and should be a life changing experience!!!
I see the pics and have to believe you will one day landing be one of those people are taking pictures of!!!!
Keep it coming KP!!! I will vote for you in 2024?
I think I wanted to say but typed wrong(hey, it was 12:30am) that you will be one of those people in the helicopter we(the little people) will be screaming at to come over and take a picture with 2024!
Uncle Momo
you're like a paparazzo haha
KP--So excited for you!! Love the pictures! What an incredible experience. Cait is really looking forward to her visit, I am jealous!Love, Ms."Wortin"
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