Saturday, May 10, 2008

My last day...

Today, as most you know, is my last day. I really honestly cannot believe that this time tomorrow I'll be in St. Louis. Its definitley bittersweet-I'm looking forward to seeing my family and friends back home but I don't want to leave DC and 510 C either. My last day of work was nice...the counsel's office bought me lunch and everyone ate together in the conference room which was nice. They gave me a really sweet card and I literally was holding back tears when I said good bye to them at 5pm. I am going to miss the people there so much and I hope some day to come back and work there again!

Tonight those few of us left at the house are going to go to a local pizza restaraunt for our "final meal" together. Then its back to packing for me... wooooot...

Anyway-I hope I get to see you all when I get home! I have many more stories than the ones told here in this blog to share!! Cant wait to see you all soon...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

school searching 202

Well this was our last "official" weekend here with everyone, and it was pretty packed for me for the most part! Friday was our final exam in our seminar class, then we went out to lunch at the same chinese restaruarnt we went to the first night we were in town. It was weird to be back there and think of everything that has happened between that first night and now. Its so strange!!!

After we went to lunch, a group of us decided to go look around at the Library of Congress Jefferson building. I can't believe I walked past that building so many times and never went inside it until just now! It is one of the prettiest buildings in all of DC...the inside is just as gorgeous as the outside. I really liked it a lot, and kind of wished I could have spent more time exploring!

That night was the Nationals game our director promised to get us tickets to. They were playing the Pirates, who ended up creaming us 11-4. The game was so fun though, despite the crushing loss. We had fun enjoying the music and we even had a delay becuase of the power outage which gave us more time to make fools out of ourselves to those sitting around us. Being at that game made me miss St. Louis A LOT...I'd never been to a pro-game other than the ones in St. Louis, so it was weird to be there and not be at home. I can't wait to go to some Cards games as soon as I get back!

Yesterday my roommate Sarah and I decided to embark on an adventure out to Tenleytown to visit American University's law school. It was a very long adventure, let me tell you. We knew what stop to get off at to get to the school, but had no idea where the school was in relation to the metro stop. We ended up finding this delicious smoothie place and asked the people there how to get to the school. Turns out we had to take a shuttle to get there, but it would drop us off right in front of the school. Once we got there, we looked around the main campus (which is really pretty) but couldn't find the law school. Soon we realized that the law school wasn't on main campmus, but 4 blocks away. So we made the trek down a big hill to see the law school (which was really cool)...we walked around the building for a bit and then made the long journey home.

Today was GWU's turn...we obviously knew were that was so we found it pretty easily. It was a totally different feel than American, but I really liked it too. Both have positives and negatives, but I'd love to go to either school and would really love to come back to DC to live and work again some day!