Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Countdown

Hello everyone! I decided that the best way to keep in touch with all of you while I'm conquering Washington DC was to create my own here it is! I'm sure this will also be used to publish my opinions on the current political happenings as enjoy!

I leave in about 22 days (on the 31st) and I can't be more excited! Right now my life revolves around shopping for a new wardrobe (which is so much fun) for my internship at the Republican National Committe! I cannot wait to start working there. I am going to be interning in their legal department, which I hope gives me some good experience for any future law careers I might stay tuned for my many stories!

Oh and p.s....everyone living in MO, your election primary is Tuesday Feb. 5th....VOTE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just wanted to let you know that i love the title... someone really clever must have come up with it. yay!!! i'm excited to read your blog! annnnnnnnd i get to see you in a day and a half!!! woot!