Monday, February 4, 2008

The First Day...

Today was my first official day on the job and it was GREAT!!!!! I get to work in the counsel's office, which is so cool, and I already feel like I've learned a lot. Tomorrow is going to be especially fun b/c its Super Tuesday (ps to all those good friends of mine who dont know what that is, its the day when 24 states have their primaries and watch MSNBC or something tomorrow and keep track!) Its going to be such a learning experience-again, I can't wait!

My walk to work is beautiful...I get to see the Capitol and the Supreme Court everyday...its a great trek! What else...the house is still so much fun...the people are great and I love them all! We had our first class today...half of us are in one class and the other in another...the class I'm taking is called "Politics and Communications"...our professor is hilarious, and has worked on all these major newspapers and news shows...I think it will be really interesting.

Well, I miss you all a lot-thanks for the comments-keep them coming b/c I love hearing from you! I hope you all have a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm so jealous!!! sounds like you're having a blast. i miss you lots, take TONS of pictures and enjoy every minute!!! i think of you at work while i'm in class, boo.