Monday, February 25, 2008

Oh Hillary

Well, besides doing my internship and having a blast traipsing around the city...I also have to take a class...the class I ended up with was "Politics and Communications" and I have to say that its been pretty interesting so was great fun-we had to pretend we were strategists hired by the Clinton campaign to help her pull her up from the sinkhole shes finding herself in...we had some interesting proposals (nothing that could actually work of course), but it was cool to see what we could come up with for her...I've come to realize that unless she wins Texas and Ohio, she doesn't have a prayer...

Some exciting news: so I have been trying to figure out what I want to do this summer as far as jobs/internships go...and I am now officially going to be interning at Congressman Todd Akin's district office this summer! I am so combines the best of both worlds-politics and St. Louis! I loveeeeee DC, but I decided I needed to come home this this internship is exactly what I want to do! Now all I need is to find a side job that pays if you know of anything...let me know! Miss you all!

PS watch the debates tomorrow night to see Obama and Hillary fight it out...theres nothing I love more then Democrats duking it out (just know I love you all)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha.. "nothing I love more than Democrats duking it out"... oh katie.. i miss you. I'm glad you're having such an awesome time in DC & cant wait to see you again this summer!